
Business Opportunity Details

RFP 001-2023-STX/STT/STJ Request for Proposals for Turnaround Management Consulting Services for VIWAPA

Oct 20, 2023


The Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority ( the "VIPFA") is seeking proposals to secure a turnaround management company to assess the status of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority ("WAPA" or" VIW APA") and provide recommendations on how to generate water and power efficiently, reliably and in the most cost-effective manner possible.


  1. Services

    The VIPFA is soliciting competitive proposals for a firm to prepare an initial assessment and turnaround report of VIW AP A in accordance with the below:

    1. Initial Assessment

      Respondent shall within 120 days of the contract start date produce a report for submission to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands and the Governor of the Virgin Islands outlining the following:

      • An account of the financial status of VIWAPA

      • The status of all ongoing programs and projects at VIWAPA

      • An account of all energy plans considered by VIWAPA with anticipated impact on base rates

      • An assessment of all debt consolidation and management plans considered by VIWAPA

      • An assessment of all water quality and water distribution plans, including an assessment of compliance with water quality standards, considered by the VIWAPA

      • An assessment of all plans to increase service quality standards at VIWAPA and to implement sound policy, rules, and regulations for consumer protection

    2. Turnaround Report

      The Respondent shall within 60 days of the submission of the initial assessment produce a report for submission to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands and the Governor of the Virgin Islands including the following:

      • Recommendations for short-term measures to reduce the Levelized Energy Adjustment Clause

      • Recommendations for gradually reducing the base rate over a 24-month period

      • Recommendations on how best to incorporate renewable resources for the generation of electricity and water and reduce dependence on fossil fuels within a five-year period

      • An organizational restructuring plan, inclusive of all divisions

      • A debt consolidation and management plan

      • An energy plan that allows for appropriate base and LEAC rates

      • A water quality and distribution plan that includes compliance with water quality standards.

    3. Implementation of Recommendations

      The consultant shall assist the management of VIWAPA to implement the recommendations.

Download the RFP 001-2023-STX/STT/STJ (Signed) document for additional information.